KS Update #17 - Problems, Solutions, and Updates

Dear Backers,

We’ve recently become aware of a manufacturing defect affecting a portion of the Rockwell 6S’s. In our effort to get the product out to our backers as soon as possible, we have clearly made the error of not properly checking for consistent and excellent quality across all the razor parts and each individual razor that went out, an error for which we accept full and absolute responsibility. Some of the caps produced are improperly finished and warped, preventing the razor blade from aligning in a straight line. Additionally, some plates are not finished to the standard we originally expected. As a result of these complications, we have held all the remaining Rockwell 6S shipments until we can replace all the problem components. After speaking today with our manufacturing partners and additional machining shops, we are developing a plan to fix these issues through remedial steps. We now have the opportunity to better polish and grind down the caps and plates to create the consistently high quality razor we’ve aimed to deliver all along. 

To our backers who have received faulty parts: we will absolutely make this right for you. We have set up an email, info@rockwellrazors.com, where we ask you to submit a request for new parts, using the same email you used to back this Kickstarter project. This will allow us to automatically “sign you up” to be sent a brand new cap and all three base plates, once the parts have been fixed, at no additional cost to you. We do not need you to return what you have already been shipped. We want to thank everyone who has posted pictures and reviews of their Rockwell 6S on social media, forums, or the comments section on our Kickstarter page. Your feedback and reviews have been extremely helpful in working on remedying these issues. Whether you’ve expressed satisfaction, anger, disappointment, or hopefulness, please know that we’ve read all of it and are very thankful to have heard from you. 

To those of you who have yet to receive a razor: we can’t wait to fix these problems and ship you the perfect razor you were anticipating. We have learned from these early challenges, are improving the outstanding manufacturing inconsistencies, and will be implementing a complete, end-to-end quality control procedure that includes the manual inspection of every single razor before it is shipped. 

We’re disappointed that this will take longer than expected, but will absolutely stay diligent in updating all of you on the process and progress as we work towards shipping you all a flawless Rockwell 6S. We will be posting an updated shipping schedule once we’ve sorted through more details with our manufacturing and finishing partners. Thank you again for your patience and understanding while we implement solutions to this unexpected manufacturing issue. 

Gareth and Morgan

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